Perishable Cargo Shipping

We are specialised with Perishable Cargo Shipping proceedures with rich experience.We have well expericienced in Customs Rules and Regulations.We provide following type of clearances; 

  • Export Custom Clearance (Air / Sea)
  • Import Custom Clearance (Air / Sea)
  • Project Cargo Clearance
  • Duty Drawback Claim Service
  • Registration / Clerance / Completion of clearances under Duty Exeption Licences
  • Customs Duty Refund services.
  • Custom Consultancy services

Perishable Goods Shipping Service

We are specialised with Perishable Goods Shipping with rich experience.We have well expericienced in Customs Rules and Regulations.We provide following type of clearances; 

  • Export Custom Clearance (Air / Sea)
  • Import Custom Clearance (Air / Sea)
  • Project Cargo Clearance
  • Duty Drawback Claim Service
  • Registration / Clerance / Completion of clearances under Duty Exeption Licences
  • Customs Duty Refund services
  • Custom Consultancy services